
ResilientMS Membership

A Membership space for those with Multiple Sclerosis looking to thrive in their daily lives, despite the challenges that MS may present.

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Welcome to ResilientMS

Living with MS can be challenging, but with the right tools and support, you can take control of your health and improve your quality of life.

The ResilientMS Membership is your comprehensive resource for the latest information, tips, support and strategies on using my 3 pillar approach of diet, movement, and stress management to help manage MS symptoms.

Let me guess...

You're tired of trying things on your own and feeling lost.. google search results just can't tell you what to do..

You want to feel better in your body, with more energy and less symptoms like exhaustion, pain, sensory issues or gait difficulties..

You want to feel more hope, instead of overwhelm, uncertainty and anxiety..

And learn concrete tools and strategies that help improve your MS symptoms…

Then let me tell you..

I'm here for you!

When I first started researching how to help my MS symptoms, I was so lost and confused.

I reached immediate paralysis by analysis and didn't feel confident moving forward in any direction.

I wished there was a place I could learn from or someone to guide me.

This is exactly why I created the ResilientMS Membership.

What you'll find inside:



Support and education around the best food choices for MS. Including meal plans & recipes, help in finding food reactions and support with diet changes.


Movement and Exercise

Movement and Exercise education, including exercise protocols for improving different MS symptoms, like spasticity, pain and balance so you can feel better in your body.


Stress Management and Nervous System Regulation

Practical tools that can help regulate your stress response and nervous system- stress will no longer be your biggest trigger.


Monthly Calls

Monthly QnA calls and topic calls where you'll have an opportunity to get your questions answered, learn new things about supporting your body and get support from others walking a similar path.


Deep Support for your MS Journey

We'll have quarterly guest speakers or events to help you further in your journey. As well as road maps for habit creation and integration so you're never wondering what your next step is.

I've been on this journey with Alissa for about a year now and she has helped me grow in ways that I never imagined I was capable of. In addition to being a master of AIS, she is a truly gifted therapeutic and psychological partner. She has tapped into how my brain - and perhaps more important, my spirit - works. She helps me set goals that I am actually capable of reaching. At times, when I establish a goal that she is not entirely onboard with she will give me the leeway to test it out and learn for myself why it wasn't a great idea. Overall, she has taught me not only to prioritize my health, but she has shown me how the choices I make in every other aspect of my life impact my health. She is truly magical.

— D.R.

Included in your membership:


You'll have access to my signature course Holistically Healing MS which serves as a roadmap for your journey. You'll also have access to Embodied Resilience, my nervous system regulation course. You'll also have access to a growing library of tools and resources that all support your MS healing.


Each month we'll have 2 calls, one support/Q and A focused call and one topic focused call. You'll be able to learn tools to deeper support you and your body, ask questions and get support from myself and other members.


We'll have quarterly events like habit challenges or guest speakers so you can always feel supported and learn new skills to help your MS symptoms!





Imagine with me for a minute...

Instead of waking up in pain, exhausted and already looking forward to going to bed,

what would it be like to wake up with energy and excitement for the day?

Or to feel like you don't have to consult your MS symptoms when making plans?

Or be able to keep up with your family and their activities?

Or feel confident in the way you're taking care of yourself, knowing it's the best way for YOU?

That and more is what is possible for you inside the ResilientMS Membership.

Let's unplug from the collective fear around MS, and define what it means to you, so you can create an empowered relationship with you body.

Your diagnosis isn’t the end of the world, it’s the beginning of your new one.

Stop relying on your doctor and google to provide the support you need. 

Get support from others who "get it" because they "have it" too.

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